

  • Excalibur - X-Slick Rail Lube

    Excalibur - X-Slick Rail Lube

    X-Slick Rail Lubricant is a silicon-based oil packaged with a pin-point applicator needle that takes the hassle and mess out of lubing the crossbow. When evenly applied, the crossbow will deliver a...
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  • Excalibur MAG 340

    Excalibur MAG 340

    The Mag 340 brings BEST IN CLASS performance, Value, Accuracy, and a lifetime warranty at an unmatchable price. This crossbow is designed to take care of all your needs, capable of taking down any...
  • Excalibur Suppressor 400 TD

    Excalibur Suppressor 400 TD

    ust when you thought it couldn’t get any better, the Suppressor 400 TD takes our Micro platform to a whole new level with the addition of the all-new High-Output Express Limbs with Armor Tips,...
  • Excalibur Micro 360 TD

    Excalibur Micro 360 TD

    The Excalibur Micro Series represents the next step in the evolution of recurve crossbow technology. Thanks to GEN II Compact Recurve Technology, Micro crossbows have a limb width of a mere 25”...
  • Excalibur Assassain 420 TD

    Excalibur Assassain 420 TD

    ALL NEW Excalibur Assassain 420 TD!!  With blazing speed at 420fps, the Assassain 420 is the perfect choice for your next expedition.  The all new Quick Loc Technology allows the crossbow...
  • Excalibur Micro String-Black

    Excalibur Micro String-Black

    For MICRO Series Crossbows only. Constructed of BCY DynaFLIGHT 97 material, Excalibur’s MICRO Crossbow String reduces creep while increasing speed. The Excalibur’s MICRO string also...
    MSRP: $37.99
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  • Excalibur Rail Lube

    Excalibur Rail Lube

    Our new EX-LUBE is designed to extend the life of your string’s serving and maximize the speed of your crossbow by reducing friction. This odor free, non-toxic lubricant comes in a handy tube...
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  • Excalibur Proflight 18" Bolts

    Excalibur Proflight 18" Bolts

    Constructed using the highest quality carbon fiber with .001” straightness and +/- 1 grain weight tolerances, the NEW PROFLIGHT ARROWS will ensure repeatable accuracy which is everything for...
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  • Excalibur Proflight 16.5" Bolts J22EXP16-6

    Excalibur Proflight 16.5" Bolts

    Constructed using the highest quality carbon fiber with .001” straightness and +/- 1 grain weight tolerances, the NEW PROFLIGHT ARROWS will ensure repeatable accuracy which is everything for...
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  • SALE
    Excalibur Micro Red String

    Excalibur Micro Red String

    For MICRO Series Crossbows only. Constructed of BCY DynaFLIGHT 97 material, Excalibur’s MICRO Crossbow String reduces creep while increasing speed. The Excalibur’s MICRO string also...
    MSRP: $39.99
    Was: $39.99
    Now: $19.93
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  • Excalibur Matrix String

    Excalibur Matrix String

    For all Matrix Series crossbows. Constructed of BCY Dynaflight 97 material Excalibur’s Matrix Crossbow String produces two distinct advantages. First, it increases speed, which is a key...
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