
Compound Bows

Our staff is ready to help you with your next set-up! Be sure to call Stacy or Aaron at 540-437-2522 for information on options, availability, and info on new compound bows.

Compound Bows Online

  • Mathew's Switchweight MODs

    Switchweight Modules - 85% Let Off

    Mathews Switchweight Modules!  85% LET OFF Mathews bows with SwitchWeight technology allows for adjustment of Draw Length, Draw Weight, and Let-Off all with the swapping of a cam module. Modules are labeled A through J. Compatible bows are the V3X...
    $40.00 - $59.99
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  • Bear Legit RTH

    Bear Legit RTH

    Meet the Bear Archery Legit – this compound bow is made to legitimately fit all ages and skill levels. We’ve engineered this bow to be adjustable from a 14” to 30” draw length range and from 10 to 70 lbs. peak draw weight. All...